Nirbhay Parmar
Software developer & student
I am currently in my 4th year of engineering in Information and
Communication Technology from Pandit Deendayal Energy University. I
am a web developer and aspire to be a good software developer. I
know C++ and do Data Structures and Algorithm problems on
to improve my problem-solving skills.
I love to write technical blogs on my dev.to handle, which is viewed
by more than 5000 people online. I want to help the community by
contributing to open-source software projects. I am also part of our
college's NCC unit in which we participate in drill practise every
Friday. NCC helps me in enhancing my mental and physical strength.
NCC also develops team working skills.
Apart from it, I am a vivid reader. I love to read science magazines
in Gujarati and natural geographic magazine. I also love to read
Hindi and Gujarati novels.